About this Groundfloor Gathering
You know that state of mind where you forget about time and space and become completely focused on whatever you’re working on? That's called the FLOW, and it feels great but can be difficult to achieve consistently on your own. Through the power of mono-tasking, rituals, body doubling, and power breaks, we’ll reach the FLOW together, and you’ll be surprised by what you’ll have gotten done at the end of the day. So how does it work? We’ll have a series of 50-minute bursts of focused, mono-tasking work. Every burst will be separated by quick 10-minute breaks. After 2 bursts, we’ll have a longer break, where we’ll share a meal (remember to bring your own lunch) and socialize before diving into the last two bursts. Switching off notifications, focusing on a single task at a time, being surrounded by people doing the same, and not keeping track of time will help you reach the FLOW. Essentially, getting days' worth of work done in just five hours. Let's get those procrastinated tasks done and beat creative blocks TOGETHER!
Here is what our session will look like:
10:30 - 10:45: introduction
10:45 - 11:35: first rush
10:35 - 10:45: short break
11:45 - 12:35: second rush
12:35 - 01:05: lunch break
01:05 - 01:55: third rush
01:55 - 02:05: short break
02:05 - 02:55: last rush
02:55 - 03:10: outro
You are welcome to join for just one rush or stay for the whole session; we just ask you to enter or leave the room only during breaks to prevent distraction for the other participants.