Groundfloor Meal Swap

Groundfloor Meal Swap


4055 Telegraph Ave

Oakland, CA

About this Groundfloor Gathering

Don't have 4 people to feed in your house and end up getting stuck with extra groceries? Sick of eating the same thing everyday? Tired of Bay Area food prices? Introducing Groundfloor Meal Swap.

How the meal swap will work:

- Bring (3) portions of a homemade meal to share
- Pack each serving in a reusable or compostable container (reusable containers will be returned)
- Label your dish with its name, ingredients, and any special instructions (e.g. heating instructions or if you want your container returned at GF), or be prepared to label before the swap (we’ll have extra labels)
- Bring your dishes and trade for 3 other dishes so you have a variety for the week!

We’ll start swapping promptly at 6:15pm. Anything goes as long as it’s a full meal, from stews to salads, curries to noodles.

Please comment if you have any dietary restrictions. We’ll do our best to accommodate!
