Moon Magic: New Moon in Pisces
About this Groundfloor Gathering
Moon Magic is a night of self-work guided by the stars. Join us for reflection and ritual, led by Bex Mui, queer witch, energy healer, and author of House of Our Queer: Healing, Reframing, and Reclaiming Your Spiritual Practice.
This Month we’ll focus on the New Moon in Pisces, a water sign that thrives in diving to great and vulnerable depths. Pisces is creative and has a unique ability to bring our deep, inner desires into the language of dreams, a critical step towards manifesting. In a reality like 2025, our dreams are more vital than ever.
After an energetic meditation and grounding, we’ll discuss the lunar transit and its impact on our inner worlds. You’ll have the opportunity to reflect on what shifts and changes you need most, and to discuss with others to build community and connection.
Bring a journal, tarot cards, or other ite