Rumi’s Field

Rumi’s Field


907 4th St, San Rafael

San Rafael, CA

About this Groundfloor Gathering

Inspired by Rumi’s words, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.” This soulful gathering is the field where we meet.

This in-person nurturing gathering is for people seeking and exploring their inner lives within a supportive and facilitated group. Each group will have a different topic sparked by a poem or creative writing to ignite reflection and inquiry.

This month’s Topic will be Friendship.

I will spark our gathering with a select poem or creative writing based on the topic to explore your internal world. Poets and writers can make the invisible visible by transforming abstract emotions, thoughts, and experiences into tangible expressions through language. They illuminate the unseen corners of the human experience—our inner fears, dreams, and desires—by giving them shape and meaning.

There will be space to go within through meditation, journaling, and sharing. In our busy, 24/7 connected world, this is an opportunity to slow down and connect with our internal world and wisdom together. It is an opportunity to build both your internal and external connections.

Please bring a journal and pen for written prompts.

Michelle M. Olsen, MA, CPCC, a Career-Life Purpose Coach, will lead and facilitate the gathering. She has been coaching and facilitating groups for almost two decades and is driven by the idea that a more sane and compassionate world is possible, and it starts within. She loves working at the intersection of coaching, psychology, and spirituality.

Non-GF Members' cost is $25, please pay via Venmo Michelle-Olsen
